Healthcare providers are focused on delivering high quality, efficient and personalized patient care while also meeting compliance and audit standards, working within budget constraints, and meeting patient demands. Nurses are the key to achieving these objectives, not only because they care for the patient, but also about the patient.
Quippe Nursing is fully customizable by user and by organizational needs, so it fits seamlessly in to your current EHR system, from acute inpatient to home health.
Quippe Nursing supports nurses to create thorough, data driven documentation and patient planning for all the right reasons. Improved quality and better patient outcomes.
Quippe Nursing provides fast, easy clinical documentation solutions using evidence based decision support tools.
Quippe Nursing keeps you focused on the patient instead of the computer.
Quippe® Nursing is the industry’s first point-of-care documentation and care planning solution for nurses that includes customizable, evidence-based clinical documentation, flow of data between documents for an 'enter once, view wherever needed' and a work-by-exception approach.
Quippe Nursing turbo charges the efficiency of care planning and clinical documentation, giving nurses more time for patient care and proactive planning.
Download Quippe Nursing Data SheetQuippe Nursing uses advanced clinical relevance filtering and structured nursing data based on the Clinical Care Classification (CCC), evidence-based nursing terminology.
Medicomp Systems has developed a suite of solutions known as Quippe. These include: