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Quippe Clinical Lens

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Quippe Clinical Lens identifies and interprets disorganized, complex arrays of medical data and transforms that data into actionable information and clinical insights – all within the physician’s workflow.

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Quippe Clinical Lens Key Features

Clinical lens feature 1

Clinically Intelligent Filtering

Find all of the relevant history about any existing or suspected problem in a patient’s chart with one click, regardless of the data source, using Quippe Clinical Lens’ intelligent patient summary view.

Problem-Based Longitudinal Patient History

View the patient’s history over time using Quippe Clinical Lens’ flowsheet view, which can filter a patient’s history by all data related to an existing or suspected problem in their chart, and graph any given numerical data point over time.

Clinical lens feature 2

Clinical lens feature 3

Structured Data from Text

Convert transcribed or written encounter notes to structured data points* using Natural Language Processing (NLP) for use in Quippe Clinical Lens to filter data by problem or see data over time.

*When used with a Medicomp-approved NLP solution.

Want to learn more about Quippe Clinical Lens?

Why Quippe Clinical Lens

Quippe Clinical Lens' unique problem-oriented views empower clinicians with relevant details about a specific patient for any known or suspected disease state, enhancing clinical decision-making while extending the value of existing EHRs. Clinical Lens translates data from any source into an intelligent patient summary screen, which can be filtered by diagnosis or suspected problem so a clinician can see all data related to that problem, even if it comes as free-text. Clinical Lens displays data as a summary or a longitudinal flowsheet view, can graph with normal ranges, supports growth charts, and analyzes quality measures in real-time to ensure compliance.


Makes sense of structured notes or "free-text” data


Filters clinically relevant concepts at the point of care, by problem


Saves clinicians time from searching through charts for data


Improves usability of clinical exchange


Integrates into clinician's EHR


Improves care planning

"Previously when using EHRs, I had to work for the computer and I didn't like it. With Quippe Clinical Lens, the computer goes through the huge volume of data in a patient’s chart and brings me the relative, high-value clinically connected concepts for the problem I am treating the patient for that day. Medicomp has done the work to change how systems can function and empower the clinician at the point of care."

William J. Hayes, MD

Use Cases

  • Quippe Clinical Lens is designed for use by clinicians at the point of care, and is designed to enhance existing EHR applications by providing a smart clinical summary that aggregates data across all sources in the patient's chart or external sources, even if it comes as free text, and translates that data into usable, structured data in physician-friendly language.
  • Clinical Lens allows clinicians to filter a patient's entire chart by problem or suspected problem to make faster, more informed decisions with the patient in front of them.
  • In addition to the smart clinical summary, clinicians can view the data by problem longitudinally, graph it over time, or analyze the chart against quality measures in real-time.

Quippe Solutions

Medicomp Systems has developed a suite of solutions known as Quippe. These include:

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