Clinical Quality Measurement

Automate Quality Measure Workflows at the Point of Care

Seamlessly integrated within EHR workflows, Quippe automatically evaluates and completes quality measures from the clinician’s note.

Elderly male patient looks up at female physician during medical exam


Real-Time Insights to Improve Health Outcomes

Illustration representing included and excluded quality measures automatically identified within the EHR

Integrate Quality Measurement

With an increased focus on value and quality, real-time access to data can drive improvement. Quippe’s Clinical Quality Measures service enables the integration of quality measurement workflows within EHRs and other health IT systems. Quippe evaluates supported measures against the patient’s chart, facilitates completion, and formats data for submission.

Impact Outcomes in Real-Time

How can you reduce today’s quality data lag and close more care gaps while the patient is in the room? Using diagnostically connected concepts and measure logic, Quippe analyzes patient records for eligibility and incomplete or overdue measures.

  • Real-time measure status helps clinicians improve health outcomes and preserve reimbursements
  • Custom design facilitates evidence capture for the correct measures
  • Data capture and evaluation occur seamlessly within workflows
  • Automation keeps the focus on the patient instead of CQMs
Illustration representing clinical quality measure wizard to help close 1 incomplete measure during the patient visit
Illustration of boxes checked for compliance and bar chart showing improvement

Simplify Compliance

Incorporating quality measure queries can be a long, complicated process. Quippe provides the tools and data necessary to implement quality measures including MIPS CQMs and eCQMs, or define vocabularies, mappings, and value sets for additional measures. Our Clinical Intelligence Engine normalizes data to relevant standards, including FHIR® and USCDI, to ensure quality measurement is accurate as well as relevant at the point of care.


Request a Demo of Our Quippe Product Suite Today!