For HIMSS TV, Medicomp Systems CEO David Lareau touches on recent progress, what’s on the Biden team’s plate, and ways...
David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems, shares his thoughts with Forbes about the progress of interoperability and the data wars...
HISTALK Practice: The Sharp Index, in partnership with Medicomp Systems, announce the 2021 Annual Sharp Index Awards recipients for excellence in physician...
Dr. Jay Anders, CMIO of Medicomp Systems speaks with David Harlow of “Harlow on Healthcare” about Medicomp’s “universal medical translator”...
Dr. Jay Anders shares his thoughts with Physicians Practice about how clinical burden in EHRs can be reduced by eliminating...
David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems shares his thoughts with Healthcare Business Today on how and why systems should push...
HITConsultant quotes David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems on Health IT predictions and trends in the 2021 in the wake...
Healthcare IT News quotes David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems on big issues and trends for health IT in 2021....
David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems shares his thoughts with Medcity News about how ERHs could and should better serve...